This version finally cuts several bogus quotes which have festered in the monetary reform literature for decades.
The world economy is doomed to spiral downwards until we do 2 things: outlaw government borrowing; 2. outlaw fractional reserve lending. Banks should only be allowed to lend out money they actually have and nations do not have to run up a "National Debt". Remember: It's not what backs the money, it's who controls its quantity.
About the Author
Bill Still is a former newspaper editor and publisher. He has written for USA Today, The Saturday Evening Post, the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, OMNI magazine, and produced the syndicated radio program, Health News. He has written 22 books and two documentary videos.
What’s the Movie About?
It is commonly known in economics academia that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum in 1900 is loaded with powerful symbols of monetary reform which were the core of the Populist movement and the 1896 and 1900 presidental bids of Populist Democrat William Jennings Bryan.
The yellow brick road (gold standard), the emerald city of Oz (greenback money), even Dorothy’s silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers for the movie version) were the symbol of Baum’s and Bryan’s belief that adding silver coinage to gold would provide much needed money to a depression-strapped, 1890s America.
We believe Baum’s symbols represent the only solution to relieve the growing economic hardship here in America – and the rest of the world. Practically speaking, 2009 marks the 70th anniversary of the 1939 MGM release of the The Wizard of Oz movie, so interest will be very high. Even Oz websites put up by kids get millions of hits.
Oz Economics
How important is this issue worldwide? Having private banks create money is the root cause of all world poverty, hunger, disease and misery. And until we fix it, we will never be able to make a dent in these other issues.
We can fix this. We can fix it in a matter of months -- a year at most. We can make our government the most financially sound in the world -- nearly overnight. The government can loan out all the money any state needs to build roads or schools or hospitals – interest free. Approximately half of a state’s infrastructure cost is from interest on borrowed money! When the money is repaid by the states it will all come back to the federal government, preventing inflation. All we have to do is to take back the power to control the quantity of money and put that power into the hands of the federal officials closest to the voting public -- namely the Congress of the United States.
Some say, “Well, those crooks in Congress will create too much money once they get the money power.” But Congress now “creates” all the money it wants! It just creates it as DEBT, which never gets paid back, and which we the people have to continually pay interest on. Instead of creating bonds -- or debt -- the government could and should be creating DOLLARS, interest-free.